Shop Wallet Infrastructure by Blotout

September 01, 2024

Introducing ShopWallet Revolutionizing eCommerce Development


For the past 12 months, we have been working on a new dev tool [ extending Edgetag functionality as a pixel ] to build a microservice [ App Development ] toolkit that enables app development;

  1. No need to build Pixel [ Event Collection ]
  2. Pre-built ID management; distributed ID database built-in
    1. [ Option ] Plug-in your own ID system
  3. Consent Mode/Audit built-in
  4. Platform agnostic [ Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Salesforce, etc ]
  5. No Warehousing - Distributed DB available
  6. Data Collection Server Side
  7. Implicit App events automated - to App Microservice and to Pixel
  8. CRM access to thousands of merchants
  9. Multi Tenant Data-as-a-Service available [ Via Terraform ]

Introducing ShopWallet

ShopWallet enables any eCommerce merchant to be able to create their end user applications with a zero code sandbox and microservice tools that enables;

  1. To build their application with no code devops
  2. Fast access read/write as JS [ from the site ]
  3. Enable event collection just for your application and share with Pixel
    1. JS as data pipeline rule engine
  4. Hyper Personalize: Replace Local storage & Cookie storage with Edge storage to store user level data and (fast) retrieve it
  5. Pre-built ID segmentation [ Odd ID vs Even ID ] for truly blind A/B testing

Figure: Data Pipeline as JavaScript

Figure: Data Storage [ Replace Browser Local Storage ]

Why ShopWallet?

When Edgetag was born, we knew tagless systems were going to be critical and verticalizing event generation, ID management, data storage, and API based integrations were key.

However as we grew we realized that our real competitor was [ Server Side ] GTM and the death for a stack like that was certain?

  1. Containers are isolated and have no concept of a [common] data layer
  2. Data Management is very rigid
  3. Developers still have to do all of the work to install GTM SS
  4. Developers still have to implement their tags
  5. Developers still have to build their own Warehousing

In essence GTM SS was built for end advertisers but did not enable an app developer to move quickly and still required they do the work.

Finally, app developers [ SaaS companies ] could not bet on something they can’t embed in to their legacy business and turnkey. And GTM SS is built-in in to Shopify but other platforms still have to go through a heavy installation process, implement tags for all vendors and still do the backend Devops work.

ShopWallet solves for all of those cases;

  1. Tagless - Manage configurations server side
  2. Edge Storage [ Hyper personalize ]
  3. Platform agnostic [ supports 5 platforms, not just Shopify ]
  4. Server Side API stream with no code - just and transform real time via API
  5. Distributed DB as-a-service
  6. JS API as-a-service
  7. App-UX as-a-service
  8. Common ID Infrastructure-as-a-service

We have taken away the complexity of having to build apps by having a tagless system with a completely verticalized infrastructure-as-code service for rapid development of end applications.

If you are an agency with developer skills, build apps once and deploy them faster on Blotout and get access to thousands of merchants already on Blotout.

What kinds of applications do you envision?

Current ShopWallet is an eCommerce focused Dev Tool, the idea is to build commerce specific applications.

We can bucket them into two categories;

  1. Site Personalization microservices [ or macro services ]
  2. Server Side Personalization microservices [ API based Applications ]

Site Personalization Apps

Site Personalization applications are applications where you intend to [ hyper ] personalize an sites [ content delivery to micro widgets ] to ensure user data is available on the site within 100ms to make decisions with a blink of an eye for content or widget personalization that are critical.

Why would we use this Vs Klaviyo Segment API?

Klaviyo Segment API enables segment based ID management. ShopWallet does that but also enables real time hyper personalization to be able to;

  1. Build your own real time segmentation
    1. Write to user
    2. Retrieve from user
  2. Faster than Klaviyo
  3. No dependency on any tool
  4. Scale up anytime to build your own distributed database
  5. Event stream built in

Server Side Personalization Apps

Applications that require;

  1. Universal event stream
  2. Universal ID

These applications are like any Edgetag application to get server-side feeds via standard eventstream with 1P data and consent pre-stitched.

Do you have an example of an App?

App: Wallet: Cart Recovery [ Launched Aug, 2024 ad doing $100K ARR in 30 days of launch ]

We are tracking Shopify carts [ cookie based ] and enabling them server side.


  1. Shopify carts automatically get deleted every 14-30 days
  2. On average, carts worth $1 are deleted for every $1 in actual purchase revenue
  3. On average, 3% of consumers will convert carts if made easy to recover
  4. On average, 27% of consumers shop on 2 devices [ unsupported ]
  5. On average, 7% of all family purchases are family decisions; 23% with pre-teens

Learn More ->

Case Study ->

PLG motion and has three steps;

  1. Cart Loss: Measure if the merchant really needs to worry about the cart decay

The Database that tracks carts and creates API for site retrieval is also used for customer analytics

  1. A/B testing: Measure if there is a lift by recovering carts

No fancy UI - actuals that help understand how greasing the wheel helps - we track four key variables;

  1. Did exposed widget enable more velocity of conversion

  2. A higher AOV

  3. Future emails generated by gamifying anon users

  4. Future restored carts - do they generate revenue

  5. Steady state : Automated zero code widget that tracks users and carts to restore

Can I not do this with CDPs?

CDPs were a great tool for enterprises who wanted to build a central warehouse and build out their applications. However, the more we dug in to the space the more we realized;

  1. Most marketers struggle beyond the basic segmentation
  2. Almost all segmentation is common [ aka everyone does the same thing ]

However, the most critical issue was;

  1. Marketers don’t get engineering budgets to build pretty much anything
  2. You get what you get with CDPs
  3. Most CDPs focus on moving data to other tools [ commodity ]
  4. Engineers don’t understand marketing to know what can be done
  5. 90% of implementations never happen or are incorrectly executed

Hence our approach;

  1. Learn from every merchant, and enable best practices at no cost
  2. Develop fast, deploy fast, die fast [ if not working ]
  3. Reduce cost to build
  4. Try before you buy
  5. Don’t need 500 SaaS contracts

What is the longer term vision for ShopWallet?

ShopWallet opens up the Edgetag Pixel infrastructure for Site side app development. Enable rapid application development for Personalization with the idea of “There is an App for that”

Enable app developers access to merchants who are ready via our ML tool that suggests which merchants are a fit for their application based on aggregate statistics. In essence for every application you have a platform that wants to ensure you win.

Enable app developers to get access to tools like -

  1. A/B testing
  2. Analytics
  3. ID resilience
  4. etc.

without each developer rebuilding those pieces causing massive fragmentation at the

Would this compete with ShopPay?

No. Blotout has no intention to become PCI DSS compliant or monetize merchant data. We want to enable merchants to enable their own success and own their own data and put it to use quickly.

Finally, likewise for app developers, we want to reduce friction of payment rails or access to merchants but focus on developing value vs upfront cost structure.

Use Case: Cart loss & recovery for Shopify Merchants

We are tracking Shopify carts [ cookie based ] and enabling them server side.


  1. Shopify carts automatically get deleted every 14-30 days
  2. On average, carts worth $1 are deleted for every $1 in actual purchase revenue
  3. On average, 3% of consumers will convert carts if made easy to recover
  4. On average, 27% of consumers shop on 2 devices [ unsupported ]
  5. On average, 7% of all family purchases are family decisions; 23% with pre-teens

Here is a sample of how much cart loss impacts some brands;

Brand stats: $100M in Fashion Jewellery; AOV is $150-$200 For every $1 in purchases, the brand has $2 of cart intent expire. For every $3 in purchases, active users have $1 of carts automatically deleted For every $3 in purchases, passive high-intent users are losing $5 of carts

When Shop Wallet is combined with Edgetag, it enables a complete lifecycle for activities online and offline that creates incremental value chains that's accretive to your growth and optimizes for intent by capturing it permanently.

Early Results Blotout will deploy Cart loss measurements (Wallet Infra) by default to all Shopify installs so customers can see their cart loss. However, the cart recovery widget will be restricted to

Testing 5 customers ($10M - $100M)

  1. 2.6% recovery of cart and purchase in-session [ active site widget ]
  2. 13% of expired cart Anonymous customers give email to keep cart [ a month out ]

There are two cases emerging which are clear winners;

  1. Long consideration cycles [ AOV > $500, events like maternity, Health specific ]
  2. Cart to sale day [ keeping keeping wish list and close on discounts ]

If you want to sign up, we are only taking 100 customers in 2024 - sign up here.

Why did we make this investment?

We believe that infrastructure is core to rebuild the future foundation of the internet as cookies are deprecated and privacy matters, and for Blotout making modern infrastructure as seamlessly available to non technical markets remains key.

Finally, as AI Agents become a reality the ability for the Merchant to own core infrastructure that is independent and is void of handcuffs becomes key. Cost to utilize data to build an application will continue to go down. However, ensuring you have unfettered access to your own data starts to become key. Don’t take our work for it.

Talk to Blotout (Mandar). What are you waiting for!

Coming soon: First set of developers are already building apps.